General Guidelines
Files should be submitted in English (US spelling) as editable Word Documents (.docx) in Times New Roman font (no pdf) through the designated submission form.
For articles, reviews, and review essays, margins are set to 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides.
Body text is 12-pt font size, double-spaced and justified. Headings are 12-pt font size, bold face. Subheadings are 12-pt font size, italicized. Headings and subheadings are separated from the body text by a single blank line and not followed by a period. Endnotes and Works Cited are 11-pt font size, single-spaced.
Articles for Migrating Minds should be 6000-8000 words long (including bibliography and endnotes) and should include the following items:
- Title (with all words capitalized, including those following hyphens in compound terms, except articles and prepositions)
- Author’s name and academic affiliation
- Author’s ORCID iD (if available)
- A 200-word abstract in English (not included in article total word count)
- 6-8 keywords in English separated by commas (not included in article total word count)
- Body text
- Endnotes (if any), preceded by the title “Notes”
- Works Cited section
- A 100-word author’s bioblurb (not included in article total word count)
Endnotes should be used for additional comments, rather than for mere citation of sources. They should be indicated in-text by superscript Arabic numbers after the punctuation of the phrase to which they refer.
Book Reviews for Migrating Minds (1000 words max.) should provide book information in the following format:
The Legend of Freud, by Samuel Weber. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1982, 179 p., ISBN 0816611289
Book reviews have no title and no notes. Quotations from the books are provided parenthetically in the body of the text.
Review Essays for Migrating Minds (3000 words max.) should have a title, followed by information about the books, in the following format:
The Expanding Boundaries of Kafka and Trieste
Kafka’s Italian Progeny, by Saskia Elizabeth Ziolkowski. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2020, 312 p., ISBN 9781487506308
Modernism in Trieste: The Habsburg Mediterranean and the Literary Invention of Europe, 1870-1945, by Salvatore Pappalardo. New York, Bloomsbury, 2021, 280 p., ISBN 9781501369964
Review essays may include endnotes but not for citations from the books being reviewed (which are provided parenthetically in the body of the text).
Use double quotation marks (“…”) to enclose short quotations (up to three lines) in the body text Single quotation marks (‘…’) are used for quotes within quotes. The omission of words should be indicated with the following sign: (…). Additions or alterations of words and comments should be indicated within square brackets. Commas and periods directly following quotations go inside the closing quotation mark, but parenthetical references should be placed between the quotation and the required punctuation. For quotations ending with a period, the period is to be placed after the reference. For quotations ending with a question mark or an exclamation point, retain the original punctuation within the quotation mark and follow with the reference and the sentence period after the reference.
Set off long quotations (over 3 lines) as 11-pt block quotations, separated from the body text by a single blank line, without quotation marks or indentation. Place punctuation marks before the parenthetical reference.
Migrating Minds follows the “author’s last name-abbreviated title-page number” method of in-text citation both in the body of the essay and in notes. Sources should all be listed in full in the Works Cited section. When several citations are included in the same parenthesis, they should be separated with a semicolon. When several pages or page-ranges from the same source are cited together, they should be separated with commas.
This “monolingual paradigm” (Yildiz Beyond 2) shaping subjectivities, cultures, and political institutions is precisely the object of Yasemin Yildiz’s critique for eclipsing the multilingual practices that in fact survive from earlier periods.
If the author’s name or work title appears in the sentence itself prior to the quotation, or if the article or paragraph focuses on one single author or work (as in a book review, for instance), any redundant information may be omitted from the in-text citation and the page numbers might be sufficient. If you cite more than one work by a particular author, include the title from which you are quoting.
In Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson seems to expand the range of monolingualism across time and space as he asserts that, be it in pre-capitalist Europe or in the present world at large, “the proportion of bilinguals [is] quite small” (38).
For a source with two authors, list the authors’ last names in the text or in the parenthetical citation. For a source with three or more authors, list only the first author’s last name, and replace the additional names with et al. (italicized). The full reference should be indicated in the Works Cited section.
(Boon and Delanty “Cosmopolitanism” 19-21); (Pollock et al. “Cosmopolitanisms” 12-13).
If two authors have the same last name, add the first initial or, if the initial is shared too, the full first name.
Citations from films and television shows should include the timing of the cited sequence—i.e. the range of hours, minutes and seconds formatted as hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss—preceded by the season and episode numbers for television series. Please specify the date when several versions of the same movie are referred to in the article.
(Casablanca, 1942 00:25:47-00:32:07)
For in-text citations from e-books with no page numbers, use the chapter number instead.
(Smith ch. 2).
Works Cited
All the works you cited in your paper should be entered in the Works Cited section, in alphabetical order, even for works by the same author (ignore the articles “A,” “An,” and “The”). In a sequence of two or more works by the same author, replace the author’s name with “—” after the first entry.
Edited works of a single author should be listed under that individual author’s name, after the authored works. Edited works with more than one author and anthologies should be listed under the editor’s name.
Abbreviate “University Press” as “UP” (e.g. Harvard UP) and “University of… Press” as “U of … P” (U of California P).
When a source has no known author, it should be listed alphabetically under its title (in quotation marks or italicized depending on the nature of the source).
Capitalize the author’s surname, including prefixes like “Mc”; non-capitalized particles like “de” are placed in parentheses at the end of the author’s identification:
Certeau, Michel (de).
Please give only one city of publication.
For republished books, insert the date of original publication immediately after the title.
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. 1960. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1988.
For translated books, provide the translator’s name and the language of the original work:
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Translated from French by Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
For E-books from a library database, add the name of the library database after the publisher’s name and the year of publication.
Waldau, Paul. Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford UP, 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).
For E-books from a website, after the publisher and year of publication add website name, URL, and the day, month, year it was accessed.
Lee, Vernon. Ariadne in Mantua: A Romance in Five Acts. First ed. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1906. HathiTrust Digital Library, Accessed 2 February 2023.
For articles in periodicals, place the article title between double quotation marks and italicize the journal title. Place issue number in round brackets after the volume.
For the page range of book chapters and articles please use “p.” even when referring to several pages.
Boon, Vivienne and Gerard Delanty. “Cosmopolitanism and Europe: Historical Considerations and Contemporary Applications.” Cosmopolitanism and Europe. Edited by Chris Rumford. Liverpool UP, 2007, p. 19-38.
Pireddu, Nicoletta. “European Ulyssiads: Claudio Magris, Milan Kundera, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.” Comparative Literature 67(3), 2015, p. 267–286.
For web articles, include the date of online publication (when available), the URL (without http:// or https://) followed by the date you accessed the material.
Apeltauer, Ernst and Gisela Shaw. “Multilingualism in a Society of the Future?” European Journal of Education 28 (3), 1993, p. 273-294. Accessed 2 February, 2023.
Film and television citations should include: title; director; screenwriter; actors’ and actresses’ names with character in parentheses; studio; date. When relevant to analysis, you can also include: cinematographer; editor; composer. Television show citations should include: title; showrunner(s); actors’ and actresses’ names with character in parentheses; network; date. When citing a DVD version, please include: DVD company; date of release.
The Sopranos. Created by David Chase. With James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano), Lorraine Bracco (Dr. Jennifer Melfi), Edie Falco (Carmela Soprano), Michael Imperioli (Christopher Moltisanti), and Jamie-Lynn Sigler (Meadow Soprano). HBO, 1999-2007. DVD. Warner Bros., 2010.
Typographical information
Use italics to set off the titles of major or freestanding works such as books, journals, movies, and paintings. This extends to cover the names of ships and other craft as well as legal cases and laws. Also use italics when employing foreign words and phrases in the text (but do not italicize quotations in a foreign language). Names of organizations are not italicized.
Italics can also be used to create emphasis. If the words you emphasize are part of a quotation and it was not there in the original, specify “Emphasis added.” If the italics is already in the original, specify “Original emphasis.”
Use capital Roman numerals after the names of persons in a series (Queen Elizabeth II; Henry VI).
Use Roman numerals in small capital letters for citing pages of a book that are so numbered. Write inclusive Roman numerals in full: xxv–xxviii; cvi–cix.
Do not truncate references to page numbers over 99: e.g. a reference to pages 145 to 149 should be written 145-149 (and not 145-49).
For dates, use either the day-month-year style (19 December 1937) or the month-day-year style (December 19, 1937) but be consistent. Spell out centuries in lowercase letters (the twenty-first century). Hyphenate centuries when they are used as adjectives before nouns (nineteenth-century America).
For punctuation, use the Oxford comma in enumerations of three or more items (e.g.”It pertains to identity, gender, and ethnicity”).
There are no spaces within double inverted commas, brackets, and square brackets.
When punctuating around quotation marks, place periods, commas, colons and semi-colons before ending quotation marks. Place question marks and exclamation points before ending quotation marks only when they are part of the quoted material.
Hyphens (-) are used to connect words or syllables, or to divide words into parts. Do not insert a space on either side of a hyphen.
Em dashes (—) can be used to indicate a summarizing thought or an afterthought. Do not insert spaces before or after the em dashes.
There shouldn’t be periods after the titles of the article and its various sections.
Acronyms should be spelled out in parentheses on the first occurrence and subsequently be written in capital letters, without spaces or periods (e.g. American Comparative Literature Association; ACLA)
Unlike acronyms, multiple initials in persons’ names are separated by periods but no space.
T.S. Eliot; E.T.A. Hoffmann
In a title or subtitle, capitalize all words, including those that follow hyphens in compound terms, except articles and prepositions. Use a colon and a space to separate a title from a subtitle, unless the title ends in a question mark or an exclamation point.
Migrating Minds: Theories and Practices of Cultural Cosmopolitanism
Reproduce titles in languages other than English as they originally appear in the source document, retaining the punctuation and typographical conventions of the original title as printed in its original language in the source document. Please note that rules of capitalization for foreign-language titles may differ: titles may not bear capital letters on all principal words. Likewise, rules of spacing in relation to punctuation may differ.
Tsepeneag, Dumitru. Le Mot sablier. Paris: P.O.L., 1984.
Calvino, Italo. Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno. Torino: Einaudi, 1974.
The preferred format for images is JPEG. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the use of copyrighted material (and for specifying it in the list of illustrations). Please insert illustrations where they should appear in the text and also send each of them as separate JPEG files in the highest resolution available. Each image should be accompanied by author, title, medium, location, and credits as follows:
Figure 1. Thomas Rowlandson, Franz Joseph Gall Leading a Discussion, 1808, etching and
aquatint. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 1984-0085-12. Credits Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
For all cases not listed above, please refer to the MLA Handbook or the Purdue Online Writing Lab at